Highlights are your best option if you are happy with your natural hair colour but would like to add a few ( or lots!) of fine pieces of colour. Highlights can be used to enhance your natural colour, create texture by enhancing layers as well as framing your face. Highlights also give you the chance to draw attention to a layered haircut. The process is very flattering on darker hair as well as blond hair and it is a great first step for anyone considering colour.
(Parting, half head & full head)

If you want to go several shades lighter or several shades darker, an all over colour may the way to go. This process changes your entire colour into a new, dimensional, monochromatic tone that can be as dramatic or subtle as you like. It’s a nice option for adding warmth to a flat coloured natural hair tone as well as subduing and overly warm hair tone. An all over colour is also good for covering grey hair. An all over colour can also very affective in complement a clients new haircut.

balayage has become one of the most popular colouring techniques over the last few years.
Balayage is the technique of free-hand painting highlights onto the hair, creating a soft and natural gradation of lightness towards the ends.leaving the hair with that “sun lightened” natural look. Jj

This is a very similar service to woven highlights (see above) but instead of the fine colour approach creating a more natural look of weaving to the hair , slices are thicker single pieces of of hair designed to give a lot more of a dramatic end result. This process can be great for again enhancing a new haircut or updating your look.

Hair extensions are a great option for the client who is looking to either add length to there hair, thickness to fine hair or can even be used to add colour to you hair ( good option if you want to add colour to your hair but are worried about the condition of your hair from a chemical service) .
We will find the perfect match for your colour and hair type to ensure that the results are seamless.
Great Lengths Hair Extensions

Our Global keratin treatment has become very popular service over the years. For those of you that have never heard of keratin treatment it is a Hair Smoothing and temporary straightening treatment for frizzy hair, it strengthens and straightens your hair for up to 5 months
During the keratin straightening procedure, keratin penetrates the hair, providing nutrition and hydration. This has a positive effect on the general condition of the hair, it becomes stronger and better tolerates daily negative factors like drying with hot air or straightening with straightening irons.